Thursday, May 5, 2011

Not NASCAR News, But Big News Nonetheless

As I'm sure you've all heard by now, Navy SEALS team 6 stormed a compound in Pakistan late Sunday night and killed al- Quada leader Osama bin Laden. I personally found out about this event on Twitter when Brad Paisley and Brett Griffin said to turn the news on. Very skeptical, we turned on CBS2 news and there it was! Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the horrific events of September 11th, 2001, killed by US Navy SEALS! I was only in fifth grade on the day of those attacks, but I can recall everything that happened that day fairly clearly. Couldn't tell you anything about any other day that year, but I remember just watching a movie most of the day and the teacher constantly listening to the radio, then coming home and seeing that black smoke rising from the World Trade Center against that clear blue sky. I was little, but I knew this Osama guy meant business and he was pure evil.

Well unfortunately for him, the United States meant business too. It took ten years, but finally, this evil, heartless coward was brought to justice. This does not bring back any of the 3,000 plus people lost on 9/11, but it does bring reassurance that this heartless bastard isn't alive to kill anymore people. Toby Keith was right when he said "We'll put a boot in yer ass, it's the American way!" This raid and this victory were indeed "Courtesy of the red, white and blue."

There are so many people that made this day possible. Thank you to SEAL team 6, and all of our military men and women who put their lives on the line every day to fight these terrorists and keep us free. Also, those who gave their lives fighting for our freedom. They will never be forgotten. The courage that these guys and gals show is unparalleled and we can never thank them enough for doing what they do. Thanks to George W. Bush who gathered the necessary information and did a great job commanding our forces in Afghanistan. Also, thank you to President Obama for giving the order to carry out this mission.

I always thought that wars were a bad, scary thing as a kid. But now I see how necessary this war is. America did not get to be the greatest country on this planet by backing down when we are attacked. If you hit us, you don't know how hard we'll hit back. We mean businesses and will do what it takes to win. This doesn't end the War on Terror, but it is a huge victory and helps towards that goal. All the credit, or at least 95% of it, goes to the SEALS and all of our military. God bless them, their families, those affected by and lost on 9/11 and America!!

"...that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people and to the people shall not perish from the earth."

-Abraham Lincoln

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